Sunday, 1 February 2015


Being thankful. A concept we are taught at such a young age and are told to practice but I find it so hard. Why do the hard things seem to mask all the blessings in my life? I have been thinking about this and realizing that being thankful is a choice. It's my responsibility to be thankful. I have the choice to dwell on the negative or look to the good in life. My desire is to continually find the positive in life yet why is it so hard to achieve?
I went to my auntie and uncle's cottage this weekend and as I took a walk on the trails, I thought about everything that I had. I have so much. I have so much that has been handed to me, so much to give, and yet I don't. I think this is a goal I need to make. A goal to give. I think then I can I will find the choice to be thankful. It's easy to say I'll just give back when I'm not a college student anymore or I'll just give back when I have a full time job but it starts today. It's journey to thankfulness starts with giving back today. 

I hope that this gives you a little inspiration for how you can begin to be thankful again.