Thursday 7 January 2016

The Clearing.

Travel. This simple word means to journey. I thought that this year would be full of rejuvenation and mending from broken wounds. 

This idea of journeying far away from problems is often what us as humans do. 

We run.

 I often run in the literal sense to get rid of problems however, I figuratively flee from my troubles. What good is this?

This idea to run away from the troubles of life just creates this counter active effect of bringing up more problems. 

In my experience, this idea of journeying or travel, has been one of great challenges. When people talk about this importance of travel or this significance to journey maybe they are talking about the aftermath of their travels, the reflection of what happened because in the moment of travel that I am in, I feel tugged and pulled in multiple directions trying to catch my breath.

 I am seeing so many amazing historical and amazing sights, yet, my mind is not here. It feels like a surreal world where I can not fully understand this importance of what I’m taking in. I know everything is in His timing and He will make all things clear. 

My goal in this time is to be truly authentic with God. Presenting everything to Him and showing him that I want to be fully trusting. 

This travel experience has been one of many valleys but when I look at what I am accomplishing I am greatly satisfied in Him.